Real Estate Blog

Articles, guides, and other content providing free value for real estate agents.

Guide to Video Marketing for Real Estate Agents

Guide to Video Marketing for Real Estate Agents

Video marketing has become an essential tool for real estate agents. It offers a dynamic way to showcase properties, engage potential clients, and build a strong online presence. About 90% of marketers say that video directly impacts lead generation. Around 87% believe it boosts sales. Statistics like this make it clear that incorporating video into your real estate marketing strategy …

Real Estate Agent Insurance: What Kind of Coverage Do You Need?

Real Estate Agent Insurance: What Kind of Coverage Do You Need?

Insurance is a crucial aspect of managing risks for real estate agents. With the potential for various liabilities, having the right insurance coverage ensures that real estate professionals can focus on their work without worrying about unexpected financial setbacks. This guide will cover the essential types of insurance for real estate agents, their importance, and how to choose the right …

How to Improve Your Negotiation Skills

How to Improve Your Negotiation Skills

Negotiation skills are a crucial part of success in both professional and personal life. Whether you’re closing a real estate deal, securing a better salary, or simply making daily decisions. The ability to negotiate effectively can significantly impact your outcomes. Improving your negotiation skills will help you achieve better results. It also builds stronger relationships and enhances your confidence. This …

5 Things You Need To Know To Succeed In The Real Estate Industry

5 Things You Need To Know To Succeed In The Real Estate Industry

Our co-founder and CEO, Pete Kamboukos, was interviewed by Authority Magazine about the most important things agents need to know to succeed in the real estate industry. Below is the full article, which can also be read here.   As a part of my series about the ‘Five Things You Need To Know To Succeed In The Real Estate Industry’, …

7 Strategies for Managing Real Estate Client Expectations

7 Strategies for Managing Real Estate Client Expectations

Managing client expectations is a courtesy that’s less common than you may think. It’s a crucial aspect of every successful agent's business strategy. Whether you're helping someone find their dream home or sell their property. Setting realistic expectations from the start will significantly enhance client satisfaction and streamline transactions. This guide will explore effective strategies to manage client expectations. We’ll …

Top Questions Real Estate Agents Should Ask Their Clients

Top Questions Real Estate Agents Should Ask Their Clients

Your client’s needs and expectations should be at the top of your mind as a real estate agent. Asking the right questions helps you pinpoint what your clients are looking and builds a foundation of trust and professionalism. We’ve put together this comprehensive list of questions real estate agents should ask clients during the home buying or selling process. These …

Building Trust with Real Estate Clients as a New Agent

Building Trust with Real Estate Clients as a New Agent

Stepping into real estate as a new agent brings a variety of challenges. One of the biggest is building trust with your clients. Trust is not just a nice-to-have. It's an essential component of your success. In real estate, decisions involve significant financial and emotional commitment. Being seen as a trustworthy agent can set you apart from the competition. Let’s …

How to Make the Most of Real Estate Networking Events

How to Make the Most of Real Estate Networking Events

Networking is no longer just about exchanging business cards like it used to be. It's a strategic tool that can significantly impact your real estate career. From finding mentors to unlocking new business opportunities, the connections made at real estate networking events can provide massive benefits. Knowing how to navigate these events effectively is essential for any real estate professional …