How to Stand Out as a Real Estate Agent

How to Stand Out as a Real Estate Agent

Ever wonder how some real estate agents seem to pop out of the crowd? It feels like they can grab attention with ease.

Standing out as a real estate agent is a must. There’s too much competition to let yourself be part of the crowd.

Whether you’re new to the industry or looking to spice things up, we have the scoop on how to make your mark. Let’s talk about the magic of personal branding, the power of being online, and the thrill of marketing like a pro.

1. Build Your Personal Brand & Online Presence

Imagine if you were a superhero in the real estate world. Your personal brand is your cape and logo. But it’s more than that.

Your brand is what people think about when they see you or hear your name. It’s how they feel when they learn about you and what you represent.

Crafting a personal brand that speaks volumes means knowing your strengths and what makes you different.

Are you the go-to expert for local single-family homes or the mastermind of modern condos? You need to let the world know through your personal brand.

There are a couple of things you can do to get this process started.

Get Yourself Online

Your online presence is your digital business card. A sleek website can show off your listings and happy client stories.

Austin Zaback, the Chief Growth Officer of KPZ Group real estate team, is a huge advocate for developing a personal brand online.

“You need to get loud on every platform,” Zaback says. “Talk about your wins. Share your losses. Build your personal brand every single day. Create content that people can relate to by including pieces of your personal life on occasion as well. People want to know you’re human.

Build Up Your Personal Brand & Online Presence

Social media should be your daily ‘hello’ to potential clients. Share tips, post listing photos, and give followers a sneak peek into your real estate adventures.

When it comes to your online presence, consistency is key. Use the same photo and style across all platforms. Make yourself easy to recognize and remember.

Harness the Power of SEO

Create content online that uses helpful and relevant keywords.

Use smart terms like “how to find the right home” in your online content.

This way, when people search for standout agents who can help them, you’re right there. It’ll be your name and face at the top of search results.

2. Innovative Marketing Strategies

Now, let’s chat about how to bump up your marketing efforts. Gone are the days of slapping ads in newspapers.

Welcome to the era of creativity and connection:

  • Content Is King: Start a blog or a vlog. Share stories about the neighborhoods you love, tips for first-time buyers, or the latest decor trends. It’s less about selling houses and more about building trust and being the friendly expert they turn to.
  • Social Media Savvy: Instagram stories, TikTok videos, and other social media posts are your new best friends. Show off that stunning staircase or the view from the balcony. Use hashtags like #RealEstateMagic to sprinkle a little fairy dust on your posts.
  • Virtual Tours and Staging: Bring the future to your listings with 3D tours and virtual staging. Let buyers stroll through homes from their couches. It’s like video games but for house hunting.

These strategies make you different and help you stand out as a real estate agent. They help you boldly connect with clients in unique ways.

3. Niche Marketing

Think of the real estate world as a giant ice cream shop. There are so many flavors. But what if you could be the best at one specific flavor?

That’s what niche marketing is all about. It’s finding your special place in real estate and becoming THE expert in it.

Maybe you love helping first-time homebuyers or you have a passion for historic homes. Whatever it is, dive deep and show people they can trust you in this space.

  • Be the Go-To Expert: Once you pick your niche, learn everything about it. Know the ins and outs, the latest trends, and what your buyers or sellers want. This way, when someone thinks of eco-friendly homes (for example), they think of you first.
  • Tailored Messages: Your marketing should speak directly to the people in your niche. Use words and pictures that resonate with them. It’s like sending a personalized invite to your party, making them feel special and understood.

4. Join a Reputable Real Estate Team

What better way to stand out as a real estate agent than by joining a team that people already know about? You get to share the spotlight and learn from the best, all while making your mark in the industry.

KP Elite | Zaback Group Team


There are a wide range of benefits that come with joining a team such as:

  • Shared Success: When you’re on a team, successes are celebrated together. It means you get to be part of winning strategies and high-profile sales.
  • Learning and Mentorship: Imagine having access to a group of mentors and peers who can share their insights with you. From negotiating deals to managing client relationships, there’s so much to learn. Being on a team gives you a unique chance to grow your skills faster.
  • Resources and Support: Teams often have access to better resources, whether it’s top-notch marketing tools, quality leads, or administrative support. This means you can focus more on what you do best: selling homes and helping clients.
  • Brand Power: Joining a team means you get to stand under their brand umbrella. People trust established brands, which can give you an immediate boost in credibility.
  • Networking Opportunities: Being part of a team opens up new networking opportunities. You’ll meet more people from clients to other real estate professionals. Each interaction is a chance to build your reputation and expand your network.

Joining a trusted real estate team can catapult your career and help you stand out in a crowded market. It’s about leveraging collective strength to achieve individual success.

Why go it alone when you can be part of a winning team? If you’re looking for a top-rated team to join, make sure you reach out to KPZ Group today!

5. Exceptional Customer Service

We live in a world where everyone expects the best. Exceptional customer service is your golden ticket to more clients. It makes you stand out from the agents who don’t focus on providing a great customer experience.

It’s not only about being nice (though that’s super important too). It’s about making each client feel like they’re your only client.

Listen closely, respond quickly, and go the extra mile.

Small gestures make a big difference. Maybe it’s a congratulatory note when a client buys a new home or a quick check-in call just because.

These moments show you care beyond the sale.

Encourage your clients to share their experiences online. Positive reviews are like gold in the real estate world. They show potential clients that you’re not just good—you’re worth talking about.

6. Network, Network, Network

If you’re in the real estate industry, you simply have to network and connect with as many people as possible.

It’s all about meeting people who can help you grow. This isn’t just other agents. It’s lenders, home inspectors, and anyone else involved in buying and selling homes.

Look for local real estate groups or online communities. These are great spots to learn new tricks and make friends who understand the ups and downs of real estate.

When you meet someone, think, “How can I help them?” instead of “What can they do for me?”

Maybe you share a contact or offer advice. Helping others makes you someone people want to know and remember.

Provide value and get value in return.

7. Get Involved in Your Community

Let’s step outside the office. Standing out as a real estate agent means doing things that make a difference.

Volunteering, sponsoring local events, or hosting workshops shows you’re more than just an agent. You’re a caring neighbor who is invested in your city.

Austin Zaback is passionate about knowing the community he works in.

When asked about the topic, Zaback said, “You have to get to know your community if you want to be successful in real estate. The amount of agents who can’t talk the talk shows they haven’t spent the time to learn about their neighborhood. You have to know what you’re doing, where you’re going, and be able to prove you know what’s going on in the area. If you don’t know your city that well, get in your car and drive around. Learn the streets. Know the crossroads. Know the communities and what they have to offer residents. It’s the only way you’ll be able to discuss these things with clients and show them you know what you’re talking about.”

Show you care by picking causes or events that mean something to you.

Love animals? Sponsor a pet adoption day.

Enjoy reading? Set up a little free library.

Your genuine interest makes your efforts more meaningful.

Go to meet and greets. Every event is a chance to chat with people in a relaxed, friendly way. You’re not just selling houses. You’re building relationships.

Always be looking for opportunities to serve and assist others.

8. Keep Up with Continuing Education & Professional Development

New laws, new trends, and new tools make the real estate industry an ever-changing landscape. Keeping up with these changes is the only way to remain relevant and competitive.

Keep Up with Continuing Education & Professional Development

Stay sharp by taking classes, attending webinars, or getting new certifications. These keep you informed and show your clients you’re a top-notch industry expert.

Find mentors or role models either on a team or as network connections. This could be someone in your office, an online influencer, or authors of great real estate books. Learning from others speeds up your growth.

9. Load Up Your Digital Toolbelt

Standing out in real estate means having the right tools in your belt. These tools make your job smoother, smarter, and more fun.

Let’s explore the types of tech and apps that can transform the way you work.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems

A CRM is a digital assistant that helps you keep track of all your clients, remembers every conversation, and tells you when it’s time to check in. It’s a personal client database and planner rolled into one.


  • Follow Up Boss
  • GoHighLevel
  • Zoho
  • HubSpot

Virtual Tour and Staging Software

Show off properties in style, even if your clients are sitting on their couch. Virtual tours let people explore homes through their screens. Staging software can dress up a room without moving a single piece of furniture.

Man using a Matterport camera


  • Matterport
  • BoxBrownie
  • iStaging
  • Real Tour Vision

Social Media Management Tools

Management tools help you post, reply, and engage with your audience without breaking a sweat. They streamline a major component of your digital marketing process.


  • Hootsuite
  • Buffer
  • Loomly
  • Sendible
  • SocialPilot

Document and E-Signature Platforms

Say goodbye to piles of paper. These tools let you digitally manage contracts, forms, and signatures all in one place.


  • SignNow
  • DocuSign
  • Adobe Sign
  • HelloSign

By embracing these tech tools, you’re leading the pack vs other agents. Each piece of tech is a way to enhance your service, impress your clients, and streamline your work.

How Will You Stand Out as a Real Estate Agent?

Being different in real estate is about what you do and how you do it. It’s putting your heart into your work, caring about your clients, and always looking for ways to grow.

Start by picking one area to focus on. Join a new community group or get updated on the latest real estate technology. Small steps lead to big changes.

Our team is always here with more advice, stories, and tips to help you along the way. Get in touch with us if you’re interested in seeing what we have to offer.


Get in touch with KPZ Group to learn more about our team!
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About the Author
Logan Derrick
Logan Derrick is the Marketing Manager for KPZ Group. He is a lead generation expert specializing in content marketing, SEO, email marketing, and social media management. He develops and runs magnetic lead gen strategies that drive real business growth and success.