How to Get Your First Listing as a Real Estate Agent

"New Listing" Sign - How to Get You First Listing as a Real Estate Agent

You’ve stepped into the world of real estate as a new agent. And all of a sudden, you feel like you’ve dived into a deep pool without knowing how to swim.

You’re not alone. Even after going through real estate school and the licensing process, most agents still feel overwhelmed when they get started.

Your first big goal?

Land that very first real estate listing.

It’s a major step, which marks your official entrance into this exciting industry. It requires a mix of smart strategies, a bit of elbow grease, and the willingness to learn.

Let’s talk about how you can get your first real estate listing and kickstart your career.

Build a Solid Foundation

Understand the Market

Before you start dreaming about that first listing, you need to know the playing field.

That means diving into the local real estate market.

What kinds of homes are selling fast? What areas are hot? What are the current rates?

Being a market whiz will not only impress potential clients but also give you the confidence to make solid recommendations.

Develop Your Brand

In a sea of real estate agents, you need to stand out. Start by thinking about what makes you different.

Maybe you’re a negotiation ninja or you know a particular neighborhood like the back of your hand. Use these unique qualities to build your brand.

Design a catchy logo, get yourself some business cards, and make sure your online presence shines.

Get Proper Training and Mentorship

Real estate is about understanding people and solving problems. Not just buying and selling houses.

This is where good training comes in.

Many successful agents start their journey on a reputable and trusted real estate team.

Real estate agent training and mentorship

They get training that covers the basics and beyond.

And don’t forget about finding a mentor. A seasoned real estate pro can offer priceless insights and guide you through the ups and downs of your first transactions.

A team like KPZ Group provides both training and mentorship to ensure your real estate career starts on the right foot.

Network and Build Relationships

Imagine trying to fill a pool without a small hose. It’d take forever, right? Networking is your hose when it comes to filling your career pool with opportunities.

Start with the people you already know. Friends, family, and anyone you’ve met along the way. Let them know you’re diving into real estate and ask them to spread the word.

But don’t stop there. Your community is full of chances to meet new faces. Join local clubs, networking groups, volunteer opportunities, or city events.

Each person you meet could be a potential client or could know someone looking to buy or sell a house.

Networking is about give and take. Be ready to help others and share your knowledge.

Linking up with other real estate pros is also a game-changer. From seasoned agents to newcomers like yourself, everyone has something to teach or share.

They can offer advice, share their experiences, and might even refer clients to you when they’re too busy.

Be Consistent

Many agents would argue that the most important step to getting your first listing is being consistent.

Paul Haley, a real estate agent on the KPZ Group team, talks about how you need to be persistent in every aspect of your business.

“Be consistent in everything you do,” Paul says. “Make your calls. Always be authentic with your clients. Put yourself in situations where you’re not practicing, you’re playing. You can practice the scripts all day long. But if you don’t play the game and put that practice to use, you’ll never make any real progress.”

There’s not much more to say other than put in the work. And don’t stop.

Focus on Digital Marketing

If you’re not online, you’re invisible. Digital marketing is like putting up a giant billboard in the busiest part of town, except it’s online where everyone hangs out.

Start with social media. Use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to show off your personality and your brand.

Post about houses or tips for buyers and sellers. Keep it real and engaging.

Use digital marketing to get your first listing as a real estate agent

Get a website built as early as you can. It’s your digital home base where people can learn about you, see your listings, and find out how to get in touch.

Make sure it looks professional and is easy to navigate.

And let’s not forget about email. Building an email list of potential clients lets you keep in touch, share your latest listings, and offer valuable insights. It’s a friendly reminder that you’re here and ready to help.

With digital marketing, the key is consistency. Keep posting, updating, and emailing.

Over time, you’ll become the go-to agent in your digital community, just like in your real-life one.

Showcase Your Unique Value

Think about what makes a superhero stand out. Maybe it’s their super strength, speed, or ability to fly.

Just like superheroes, real estate agents need to showcase their unique powers.

What’s yours?

Maybe you’re awesome at finding the perfect home in hidden gems of neighborhoods, or perhaps you’re a wizard at staging homes to look their best.

This special skill is your unique value. It’s what will make clients choose you over anyone else.

To let everyone know about your superpower, talk about it.

Share stories on social media about how you’ve helped clients find their dream home or sell their house quickly because of your special approach.

If you’re great with numbers, offer free workshops on budgeting for a new home.

Whatever your strength, make sure it shines in everything you do. In a world full of real estate agents, your unique value is what sets you apart.

Gain Experience through Open Houses

Hosting an open house makes you the star of your own show. It’s your chance to shine and show what you can do.

Even if you don’t have your own listings yet, you can learn a lot by helping more experienced agents with theirs.

Think of it as practice for when it’s your turn in the spotlight.

Open House sign in front of a local home

At an open house, you get to meet potential buyers and see what they’re looking for in a home. It’s also a great way to learn how to answer questions on the fly and how to show off a house in its best light.

You’ll pick up tips on staging, talking points, and how to deal with different types of visitors.

Every open house is a learning opportunity so take notes and think about what you’d do the same or differently when it’s your turn.

Commit to Continuous Learning

The learning never stops in real estate. The market changes, new laws come into play, and there are always new tools and technologies to help you do your job better.

Staying on top of all this keeps your toolbox filled with the best, most shiny tools.

Online courses, webinars, and real estate conferences will teach you about market trends and marketing strategies.

Joining real estate groups and forums can also give you insights from other agents. And don’t forget about books and podcasts on real estate and business success.

Think of continuous learning as fuel for your real estate engine. The more you learn, the smoother your career will run.

Perfect Your Listing Presentation

The time will come when you have to convince a seller to let you list their home. Your listing presentation is your sales pitch and you want to make sure it’s a showstopper.

This is where you get to show off what makes you different from all the other agents out there.

Real estate agent doing a listing presentation

These are some of the most important questions to ask during your presentation:

  • Why are you selling your home? (Moving? Upgrading? Downsizing? Etc.)
  • Are there any unique features of your home that you think should be highlighted?
  • What is your preferred timeline for selling your house?
  • Have you had any previous experiences selling a home that you want to avoid this time around?
  • How do you prefer to communicate (email, phone, text) and how often would you like updates on the selling process?

From there, make sure you cover these main points during your presentation:

  • How you will market their home to attract the right buyers
  • Your strategy for pricing their home competitively
  • How you plan to communicate with them during the selling process
  • How your approach is different from other real estate agents

Start by explaining how you plan to market their home. Will you use social media, open houses, or maybe some cool new tech?

Talk about what you’ve learned from working with other agents. Be clear about how you communicate and how often they can expect updates from you.

The key to a great presentation is confidence.

Practice what you want to say until it feels natural.

You’re not just selling their home. You’re selling yourself as the agent who can make it happen.

Make sure your presentation is polished and professional and shows off all that continuous learning you’ve been doing.

Ready to Land Your First Real Estate Listing?

Every successful real estate agent started where you are now, trying to figure out how to get their first listing. But guess what? They made it, and so can you!

Armed with knowledge, a strong network, and your unique charm, you’re all set to wow potential clients and secure that first listing. 

If you’re pumped and ready to start, why not let our team help you lock in that first real estate listing? We’ll get you from dreaming to doing.

Get in touch with us today and see how we can support you in starting your real estate journey.


Get in touch with KPZ Group to learn more about our team!
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About the Author
Logan Derrick
Logan Derrick is the Marketing Manager for KPZ Group. He is a lead generation expert specializing in content marketing, SEO, email marketing, and social media management. He develops and runs magnetic lead gen strategies that drive real business growth and success.